Access to geodetic data
Ordering data
Data listed below:
- Data from National topographic system:
- Remote sensing
- Topographic model
- National topographic maps
- National general maps
- Digital elevation model
- Geographical names
- Data from National coordinate system:
- National coordinate system data
- Data from National border:
- National border record
- Data on spatial units and addresses:
- Register of spatial units
- Register of addresses
- Data on public infrastructure:
- Public infrastructure cadastre
- Network termination points
- Data on land parcels and buildings:
- Buildings
- Land parcels
- Other data from real estate cadastre
- Data from Real estate market and mass valuation:
- Valuation models records
- Mass valuation records
- Other:
- Coordinate grids of sheets
- Real estate data by municipalities:
- Real estate cadastre data fort he area of municipality
- Register of addresses fort he area of municipality
- Public infrastructure fort he area of municipality
are freely available thru the aplication Public Geodetic Data, where also information on data structure is published. As soon as posible we will also publish there the data on real estate market records, which is at this moment still available thru old application for free data download, called e-Surveying Data.
For all other data sets:
- Orthophoto DOF050 for bigger areas, orhophoto DOF025 and orthophoto DOF050 infrared
- Land parcel points from real estate cadastre
- Data from real estate market records with data on the contracting parties
- Data from real estate cadastre on land parcel or building owners
Please write to and explain for which area you would need data. If you need data with personal data (contracting parties or owners), please also state the legal act and the corresponding article as the basis for obtaining personal data.
General terms
Data from the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: GURS) have the status of public information and are available under the terms of the international Creative Commons license 4.0 (recognition of authorship). The full license is accessible at: Under this license, any user is allowed to use the data from the GURS records for commercial and non-commercial purposes, provided they indicates the data source. It is allowed to share and adapt the data.
The data user shall indicate the data source in every publication of data or products. Such indications shall include the following data: "Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, the type of data and the time to which the data refer and/or the date of the database."
The GURS shall provide the data and services “as are”, excluding any liability in relation to their quality:
- it shall not be held responsible for the content or any errors or deficiencies in the data or services;
- it shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to the user directly or indirectly by the use and/or incorrect interpretation of the data and information available on its websites, and/or which the user can download from its websites/applications;
- it shall not guarantee the continuous availability of data or services.
GURS shall have the right to modify the structure of data and access services and the general conditions of their use at any time, and shall inform the users thereof via the website
By using the data or services, the user agrees to the terms and conditions of use. The right to use shall cease immediately if the user violates the terms of use or uses them contrary to their purpose.
Price list of material expenses
Price list of material expenses for issuing geodetic data is published in the article 17 of the Decree on the provision and re-use of public information (Official Gazette of RS, no. 24/16 ).
Free geodetic data
Data listed below:
- Data from National topographic system:
- Remote sensing
- Topographic model
- National topographic maps
- National general maps
- Digital elevation model
- Geographical names
- Data from National coordinate system:
- National coordinate system data
- Data from National border:
- National border record
- Data on spatial units and addresses:
- Register of spatial units
- Register of addresses
- Data on public infrastructure:
- Public infrastructure cadastre
- Network termination points
- Data on land parcels and buildings:
- Buildings
- Land parcels
- Other data from real estate cadastre
- Data from Real estate market and mass valuation:
- Valuation models records
- Mass valuation records
- Other:
- Coordinate grids of sheets
- Real estate data by municipalities:
- Real estate cadastre data fort he area of municipality
- Register of addresses fort he area of municipality
- Public infrastructure fort he area of municipality
are freely available thru the aplication Public Geodetic Data, where also information on data structure is published. As soon as posible we will also publish there the data on real estate market records, which is at this moment still available thru old application for free data download, called e-Surveying Data. To access this old application a simple web registration is required.
Slovenian spatial metadata system is a common entry point of the Slovenian spatial data infrastructure. It enables access to datasets and network services established for spatial datasets, as well as other services and information related with spatial data infrastructure.
For any question regarding geodetic data, operation of the application for free data download or ordering data, please contact us by our helpdesk e-mail address: