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Javni geodetski podatki (JGP)

Uporaba omrežne storitve preoblikovanja podatkov omrežja SIGNAL

Dostopi do storitev

Uporabnikom za lažje in učinkovitejše spremljanje obvestil o spremembah na naših storitvah priporočamo uporabo RSS vira na povezavi

Javni dostop

Dostop do podatkov za splošno javnost

Osebni dostop

Dostop do podatkov za posameznike

Dostop z registracijo

Dostop do podatkov za registrirane uporabnike

Problems in reconciling data from the land register

Due to technical problems, the daily reconciling of data on the owners with the land register is discontinued.

The data on owners was last successfully reconciled on 20th April 2023.
After resolved the problems, we will inform you about that.


Correction of the notification 29th May 2023:

We received information from the Land Register (Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia) on the errors of the acquisition of data on the owners from 21.5.2023. The error, together with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, is intensively remedied. We will notify you the errors will be eliminated.

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Zahvaljujemo se vam, da nam s svojim odzivom pomagate izboljšati vsebine portala Prostor.

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